Friday, February 26, 2010

"Our time is now. If we carry the day and turn the tide, we can hope that as long as men speak of freedom and those who have protected it, they will remember us, and they will say, 'Here were the brave and here their place of honor.'" Ronald Reagan

Obama's "Health Care Summit" is history. Typically the leftist uber liberal media says that Obama came out on top and the right says the Republicans did the same.

Obama, the Magnificent, the Annointed one totally topped all previous performances in terms of Arrogance, Hubris and just downright rudeness. At least one Brit news outlet opined that Obama might deserve some sort of Academy Award -- had the entire mess not been so boring.

Question is: What exactly was accomplished? Well – not a hell of a lot!

The Republicans came out of it looking reasonable. Obama’s arrogant disdain glistened through his sarcastic rhetoric and by gosh Rude commentary.

A couple of sources indicated that Obama and the Democrats spoke for more than 230 minutes while the Republicans at the event were allowed to speak for only about 114 minutes. Of course the Great One (The Anointed One, the Obama) justified his own involvement with: 'I don't count my time because I'm the President'...

That was tacky, arrogant, crude and just plain despicable. My Momma woulda’ said: “Consider the Source Son…”

Now we await Congress. Will Obama really attempt reconciliation? We’ll find out together…

Obama is bound and determined to split the United States of America apart…

Our time is now.

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