Saturday, September 11, 2010

Michigan Mech E Prof Renders Opinion

I’m posting this stuff here because I might want to quote it from time to time without posting a link to somebody else’s opinion and/or rhetoric.

Some of the descriptive dialogue is my own, and some is shamelessly stolen from whatever (obviously brilliant) individual(s) saw fit to post the original story and Quote back in 2006

The story began 28 February 2006 Michigan State University when Mechanical Engineering Professor named Indrek Wichman clicked “Send” on a email.

Wichman sent the email to the Muslim Student's Association in response to the students' protest of the Danish cartoons that portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist.

Here’s a Wiki Link to a summary of that cartoon controversy.

The student group had apparently complained the cartoons were “hate speech.”

Professor Wichman (by email) replied with the following:

-----Quoted Text from Wichman email begins-----

Dear Muslim Association:

As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU I intend to protest your protest.

I am offended not by cartoons, but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians, cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders, murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey), burnings of Christian churches, the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims, the rapes of Scandinavian girls and women (called 'whores' in your culture), the murder of film directors in Holland, and the rioting and looting in Paris France.

This is what offends me, a soft-spoken person and academic, and many, many of my colleagues.

I counsel you dissatisfied, aggressive, brutal, and uncivilized slave-trading Muslims to be very aware of this as you proceed with your infantile 'protests.'

If you do not like the values of the West - see the First Amendment - you are free to leave. I hope for God's sake that most of you choose that option

Please return to your ancestral homelands and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans.


I. S. Wichman
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

-----Quoted Text from Wichman email ends-----

If you are like me, and doubt everything you see on the Internet – maybe Snopes can convince you…

Gary Arpin -- September 11, 2010