Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just in time for Hunting Season -- Hunter Statistics and some politics...

Interesting stuff -- I stole a lot of this from a forward sent to me by two Liberal friends. Then I got irritated with what the namby pamby nameless author thought he/she was trying to say, and I took off from there.

After the Japanese  decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese could have sent their troop ships and carriers directly to California To finish what they had started.

The prediction from our military folks at the time was that we would not be able to stop a massive invasion until the Japanese reached the Mississippi River. Remember, we had a 2 million man army and war ships all fighting the Germans.

So, why didn't Japan invade?

After the  war, the remaining Japanese generals and admirals were asked that question. The answer:

Japan's leaders knew that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them.

The world's largest army was American hunters!

Some statistician has apparently totaled big game license sales in several states and Arrived at these statistics.

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin!

Stated slightly differently:

This hunting season Wisconsin hunters became the eighth Largest army in the world.

More men under arms than in Iran.

More than in France and Germany combined.

These men  deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan's 700,000 hunters. All of them will shortly return home unharmed (we hope).

Toss in another quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it is clear that the hunters of those four states alone equal or exceed the largest army in the world.

So what's the point?

(Here's where this editorial went touchy feely good liberal mushy -- so I'm gonna finish it my way. (GNA, Oct 2011))

Why do you think Hillary signed a UN agreement indicating that the USA will be a signatory of the UN Small Arms Agreement outlawing private ownership of weapons in UN Aligned Nations?

Why do you think Obama said he'd sign the Agreement if it passes through the UN?

Why do you think the Democrats want to disarm all those Citizen Hunters in the United States? Do you think it might be a liberal Democrat progressive socialist Marxist agenda, or some "Conspiracy Theory"?

Why do you think all America's enemies, foreign and domestic, internal and external want to see the American Public disarmed.

I love my country from the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans -- white with Foam!

I will stand behind the American Military. Obama didn't set us free or keep us free or even fight to help us stay free -- but the American Military has kept us free.

And the Armed Might of American citizens who have read (and Understand)the Constitution might help us in future confrontations with the pinko liberal progressive socialist Democrats!

It is High Treason for an American President to order the US Military into the streets to control American citizens.

Freedom is not Free. It has been bought and paid for by citizen patriots and the American Military. Thank a soldier today.