Saturday, January 21, 2017

The first full day -- Saturday, 21 January, 2017

Saturday morning:

From "The Wizard of Oz" -- "Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead"

Well, I'm glad she hasn't actually expired -- but hopefully she'll be out of politics for a couple of years. Let her be nameless here.

Old Irish Prayer:
"Lord, I do not wish death upon my enemies, but if you'd turn their ankle, so that I'll know them by their limp..."

Election 2016 (I am forced to admit) was the nastiest, most contentious exhibition of American political activity that I personally have ever observed.

The first election I really remember (as a child) was Ike Eisenhower vs Adlai Stevenson. "I like Ike!" campaign buttons were hotly contested and I displayed mine proudly. I was about eight.

Things were simpler then (No, really!)... Stevenson was viewed as an intellectual and unfortunately was rather bald. Those two facts taken together engendered many "egg-head" jokes during the campaign. Tasteless, perhaps. But fairly mild considering what the average US Citizen has been assaulted with for the past 18 months.

Today there'll be some sort of Women's March on Washington. Don't know why they feel that necessary -- Hell, it's not even very Representative. The organizers are kicking out every woman's group that doesn't totally agree with their own view of the New World Order. (IE: Women's organizations that favor "Life" are being ostracized, as I understand it.)

That's why our Veterans fought and died! So that these women can march, celebrate their freedom of expression and their lack of inclusivity all at the same time...

When Veterans raised their right hand and took that oath we did so with the foreknowledge that at some time in the future there might come a point where we actually had to sacrifice our life for our country.  God, that's scary.

They made that ultimate sacrifice so that today, Saturday the 21st day of January 2017 a bunch of women could march on Washington DC protesting Trump's election.  You Lost People! Now get over it and make the USA a better country!

Quit bitchin', get down to it, use the system for good.  Fix what's broken.  If you are not actively working to make our USA the Greatest Nation On Earth -- then you are part of the problem. Blindly protesting without using the political system for societal change is pointless and annoying.
