Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I don't know when the revelation hit me -- that I really love this Country! I think the first inklings surfaced back in the late '60s when I was in the service.

I remember listening to acquaintances trashing our President(s) of the time (Johnson, then Nixon). And they would immediately equate that with their current hatred for the United States of America. I remember on occasion saying “Wait a minute… Don’t you really mean you dislike Johnson” (or Nixon) whoever they were railing about – “…don’t you mean you hate what the current policy about” (Pick a Policy and fill in the blank) “Is” or “was”…

Late ‘60s, early ‘70s they’d inevitably toke, pass the joint and say – “Na Mannnnn! It’s the Country, It’s the fuckin’ Establishment Mannnnn! It’s the U S A!”

Point: There was a lot of that running around back then, anarchists, people who thought everything should be free. Folks that didn’t have a job, didn’t want one and expected everything for nothing. That’s when I first heard “The best things in life are free – when you rip them off The Boo Zhwaw Zee…” (Francophiles please forgive -- bourgeois).

Barack Obama would have been ten or so at the time… And of course, as we know he was registered in a Catholic School in Indonesia until about 1970 (+-). Point here? Well little Barry was not raised like Abe or Grover, Ike or Jack, Dick, Jimmy etcetera.

Obama was not raised in an environment where kids were routinely taught that they lived in the Greatest Nation on the face of the Planet! Barry didn’t know that when the National Anthem was played you placed your right hand over your heart and listened reverently.

Little Barry’s formative years were spent in Indonesia. He does not think like an American.

I’m not a Birther – Obama’s creds are the Supreme Court’s problem, not mine. I don’t give a damn – he’s the President, so just Cowboy up, accept the fact, and drive this Anti American Marxist Socialist back to Chicago where he can help his ACORN buddies strain the ashes of their latest defeat.

Folks at the office used to say “Hey Arp, what do you Really Think?”
Well, if I ever update this space again, maybe I’ll let everybody in on my thought processes! “Bucket of Worms” ring a bell?

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