Friday, March 22, 2013

Text of my Email to  AR, 4th District Rep Tom Cotton
(03222013, 1847Central)

Message Subject: Balance the Budget -- Stop Runaway Washington Spending.
Message Text:

Dear Congressman Cotton:

    America can send 20 F16s and 200 M1A1 Abrams tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist Mohamed Morsi -- but we can't find the bucks to keep the White House Open for little kids who've been saving for years to go to the Nations' Capital.

    Balance the Budget, Slash Welfare, Eliminate Obamacare! Cut 50% of all foreign aid, dump PBS, kill all Federal money for the arts!

    IdiotBoy Obama, the narcissistic Marxist socialist occupying the USA's White House is American Public Enemy Number One! Oppose Every damned thing out of the Traitor's lying lips -- impeach him if you can, and make sure the maximum penalty is prescribed.

    Tom? Obama and the Democrats have the USA on the cusp of destruction and dissolution. Please do what you can to reverse these trends. Support your constituents -- we'll go to the wall to support you back. 

For the USA Tom, 
Gary Arpin DeQueen Ar

(Note: Cotton's email interface is curiously primitive, and will accept little in the way of paragraph formatting, so the text here appears with paragraphs, etc., while the original interface managed to destroy it. Whoever is doing Tom Cotton's internet IT interface management is doing the Congressman a Grave disservice.)

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