Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obama is Leading us to Economic Failure!

I posted a rant on another site earlier this evening and really wanted to write some more about the way I feel...

Barack Obama is guiding us into the Socialist "Greek Model" of economic failure. Spend, borrow, spend, borrow, spend, borrow and repeat until failure. I honestly believe that Obama's Model for the New World Order includes bringing the USA to her knees in some sort of cosmic capitulation to his sickening socialist ethic.

Survival as a nation and Survival as an economic entity will require us, the USA, to spend less, reduce government size and intrusion, severely reduce our deficit and restore Governmental sanity.

We might even have to stop being Earth's Super Cop, retreat behind our borders, and defend them zealously against Extremist Terrorists who hate us because we have more than they do. We have the greatest, most powerful, advanced military on Earth -- they can and will keep us safe from harm.

Under Socialist Obama and our misled Democrat brothers and sisters our very Survival is in doubt. Obama has imminent American economic failure in his playbook -- On Purpose! That and playing Apologist to every third world loser failure that stumbles into his benevolent purview.

Obama and his pawn socialists have lost track of reality!

Constitutionalists are the Loyal Opposition! We believe that there are damned good reasons why we are the most powerful nation on the face of the planet -- and we decry Obama's propensity to apologize for two centuries of history...

Obama only represents the USA because he is our current President. The Constitution does not say we have to love him. Doesn't even say we've gotta like him! The Presidency is a transient position Obama. Loyal American citizens will prove that to you in November of 2012.

God Bless the United States of America -- the Land We Love…

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